Monday, January 12, 2009

Off to the USA...

Just a quick postcard as I set off for the next round of publicity for Joy of Sex. This time it's in the States. No, don't get jealous - though it is fun to be flying off to the Big Apple, what will happen when I get there is a relentless circus of appearances and jet lag. All worthwhile, all helpful to the book, but tiring nevertheless.

Justina from Crown, who is publishing my book, has been working hard. As a result, I've been lucky enough to get two slots on the Today programme (The Big Early Morning Show) and a slot on Nightline (The Big Late Night News Show), plus a whole slew of national and regional TV, radio and website interviews and some interesting meetings with production companies and sex toy manufacturers.

I have to admit to a little trepidation; will I say the right things, will I do the right things, and will everyone be able to understand my exotic British accent? But hey, if you don't have the adventures, then you've never lived.

More to come, on my return....

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